The COVID-19 pandemic has taken innumerable lives, but Tonya Dawson believes it saved hers — thanks to a […]
The pandemic has disrupted the commitments of countless women to get their annual mammograms, and Grand Prairie educator […]
It wasn’t that long ago that colon cancer was a worry reserved for middle age, and a colonoscopy […]
Lung cancer claims more American lives each year than colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined, and with thousands […]
Ovarian cancer has been called “the silent killer” because it’s virtually impossible to detect in its early stages. […]
Longtime educator Robert Gillums nearly had to give up the job he loves two years ago when doctors […]
The health effects of drinking coffee have been debated for decades, but recent studies show the benefits outweigh […]
Two years ago, Alice Chapa was enduring chronic constipation and abdominal pain when she had a frightening discovery […]
For as long as she can remember, Melanie Proffitt had experienced migraine headaches, so at first, the pain […]
When COVID-19 hit the U.S., Debbie Snipes was one of the millions of Americans who found their fast-paced […]
Inflammation disorders make millions of lives miserable. Medications often bring some relief, but you may not realize that […]
Men with abnormally low testosterone, or low-T, can feel a range of physical and emotional symptoms, from decreased […]
When Richardson musician David Lovrien nearly fainted last April, he brushed it off as dehydration — an occupational […]
Endoscopic procedures offered relief for one patient after he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and problems swallowing. At […]
There’s a reason folk remedies have such staying power. They have proven medical benefits, and their active ingredients […]
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