Beth Whitaker loves her mother dearly, so when the 90-year-old began experiencing memory loss, she didn’t hesitate to […]
Jordan Sager
Are you making these mishaps with your heart health? You know how to handle your heart, right? You […]
A scoliosis diagnosis once meant a very limited lifestyle. Think no sports, no exercise, and very little everyday […]
Here’s how you can combat these pesky irritants One of the first things people notice when they move […]
It seems to start earlier every year. The Christmas trees go up in stores in September. The holiday […]
Insulin patches provide new options Daily injections are just part of life for millions of diabetics. Right? Not […]
When Mikey Vann got an invitation to fly to Las Vegas and meet nine-time Grammy Award®–winner Lady Gaga, there […]
In one advanced surgery, Trina Green said goodbye to jaw cancer and hello to a healthy future. When […]
Jenna Schardt smiled and chatted her way through what should have been one of the scariest and most […]
A new form of targeted therapy, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), is offering patients with a specific kind […]
For more than three decades, salon owner and hair stylist, Ursulia Hall has helped women look and feel […]
Plant-based protein sources are becoming more popular, and for good reason — research has linked animal-based sources of […]
BY NICOLE ROSALES Turn on the news and you are being bombarded by stories about vaping. From the […]